The ultimate aim of Ayurveda is to establish perfect, balanced, radiant health physically, mentally and spiritually in every human being.
Health is defined as a state where in dynamic balance of doshas ,dhatus ,and malas is maintained the metabolism is at optimum level and soul mind and sense organan assume sublime position At Dr Anagha's ayurved clinic specific and speciality treatment are provided for following services.......
Vaman Virechan Basti Raktamokshan Nasya Shirodhara Janudhara Janubasti Katibasti Netrabasti
Sexual functioning serves a major role in cementing the emotional bond with the primary partner.
Ayurveda understands beauty as being a product of general physical health and appropriate daily care.
“Good health is an indication that the body and environment are in harmony, while illness is a sign of imbalance, on a spiritual, mental or physical level”.
According to Ayurveda, the definition of health is a state in which the tridoshas, metabolic fires, body tissues, and components, and all the physiological processes are in perfect unison, and the sense organs, mind, and soul are in a state of total satisfaction and content.
"Dr is nice human being"
"Dr gives personal attention towards patient"
"Perfect place for body and mind care"